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UC Solar Decathlon

Turning heat into electricity ...

So, the experimenting began in earnest about July 1. The big project now concerns converting, or harvesting, excess heat produced from solar heated water into electricity.

Most of the experimentation takes place in the Flow and Heat Lab, located in Old Chem, where the experiments can (hopefully) be performed on a smaller but still accurate scale.

Solar-heated water is stored in an insulated tank that holds several hundred gallons of water. That water is used for typical usages as well as for the modified air-conditioning system. But should weather conditions not necessitate air conditioning, the water tank will hold excess heat. Eventually that heat will dissipate into the environment, which essentially amounts to wasted energy and a wasted opportunity.

University faculty members Professor Anton Harfmann and Dr. Michael Kazmierczak are working with students Todd Kolloff and Adam Saltzman to develop the technology and measure efficiency and feasibility. Here is an illustration of the basic equipment and procedure involved:

Here is a photo of the apparatus attached to a hot water source in the lab:

Here is a photo of the equipment deconstructed:

Here, Todd is pointing to thermoelectric devices that are responsible for actually converting the heat into electricity. More on that in a moment ...

When the experiments are running, the thermoelectric devices are sandwiched between the heat conducting panel and the cooling fins.

The devices are attached to a conductor that will be attached to the heat source, in this case the water tank. This temperature here is naturally maintained at a releatively consistent 90 degrees Celsius (about 190 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit).

The black piece is a fin that is intended to wick excess heat away from the backside of the devices. The fins act like a radiator. It is essential for the temperature at this part of the apparatus to remain ambient -- the lower the better, and in the neighborhood of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius (50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit) is acceptable.

In order for electrons to move through the devices and generate electricity, the hot side must stay hot, while the cool side must stay cool.

Here are other views of the thermoelectric devices. The devices consist of multiple kinds of metal, all conductors, that will route generated electricity through the center teeth and out through the wiring into storage or usage, or in the case of this experimentation, into a measuring device.

The main challenge at this stage of the game is maintaining the temperatures required to generate electricity.

The easiest way to accomplish this would be to use a fan to keep the ambient side cool. The problem with that is that the fan will use electricity. Depending on how much energy is used by the fan, the entire process may not be worthwhile, for example if the fan uses more electricity than is generated.

So instead of using a fan, the first step for the team is to find another way to wick heat through and off the apparatus without raising the ambient-temperature side above desirable levels.

The team tries to create a chimney that will facilitate the movement of excess heat up and away from the fins as quickly as possible and without using electricity.

We'll check back with the next post to evaluate progress.

By: Kristy | Monday, July 14, 2008 at 10:50 AM | |

Summer Home

Here are a couple of photos of the Solar house in its current location, in front of McMicken Hall.

By: Kristy | at 8:49 AM | |

It's summer 2008 and the UC Solar House is buzzing with activity. On campus since the Decathlon back in October, the house's future may be uncertain, but a select group of faculty and students will be conducting experiments throughout the summer, in hopes of both creating new technologies and advancing efficiencies of existing technologies.

By: Kristy | Saturday, July 12, 2008 at 7:57 AM | |

Pogue's Video

Hi everyone - I know it's been while. Here's a quick wrap-up video I found about the Decathlon:

David Pogue, the New York Times technology columnist and author of the blog Pogue's Posts, was on CBS News Sunday Morning last week to talk about the Solar Decathlon. Here's a video of his coverage - he's got a great sense of humor, and it's only an 8-minute video, so go check it out.

By: Emily | Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 5:27 AM | |

The Finish

Kevin Brosnahan of the DOE estimated that over 100,000 people showed up to visit this year's Solar Decathlon, a testament to the public's growing interest in all things green. Saturday, the final day for house tours, the crowd was thick, and the lines - especially at winners' houses - longer than ever.

Luckily for everyone, the weather was beautiful. Saturday night UC's [re]form team began deconstruction of the house. I think everyone agrees that our team worked extremely hard on this house, and established UC as a world-class university that is absolutely dedicated to furthering itself innovatively and collaboratively. As Nancy Zimpher said Friday night, "This is what UC 21 is about."

UC's Journalism team was extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to go and report on something like the Solar Decathlon. We had our challenges, but overall I think we would do it again in a heartbeat.

Thanks, Elissa.

By: Emily | Tuesday, October 23, 2007 at 9:12 AM | |

Crowd Control

The crowds of visitors and guests in the Solar Village are still lining up to catch a glimpse of the future. There's anticipation and speculation in the air as we get closer to the final results when the winner of this year's competition will be announced.

By: Terron | Friday, October 19, 2007 at 7:49 PM | |

Today's the Day

Last night, UC's [re]form team served a (very low-lit) dinner to team members from Texas, Maryland and Cornell, one of the last elements of the competition to take place.

Today at 2 pm the winners of the Engineering contest will be announced, followed by the announcement of the overall winner of the 2007 Solar Decathlon. There is plenty of speculation right now, with Maryland and Darmstadt going head to head for the win - right now they're about one point apart, a minuscule difference - but the Engineering contest could result in a surprise for everyone. We'll see you on the flip side!

By: Emily | at 10:05 AM | |

The Tightening of the Race

Well, yesterday the winner of the architecture competition was announced: Technische Universität Darmstadt! The team, pictured above, was very gracious and called all the houses "beautiful" and deserving of an award.

Today the winner of the communications contest was revealed to be the University of Maryland, which is currently in the lead all around with 98.2 out of 100 points for their "leaf house."

By: Emily | Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 4:05 PM | |

Rest & Relaxation

The ReForm team taking a breather after a long day of anxious visitors and solar house tours.
InForm team member and photojournalist Emily Schneider steps out from behind the camera to chat with the team during a much needed break.

By: Terron | Monday, October 15, 2007 at 10:49 AM | |

Digital Design

The system overview console located on the kitchen wall that controls everything in the house. Lights, heating and air conditioning-all at the touch of the screen. You hold the power in your hands!

By: Terron | Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 10:46 AM | |

In the Hallway

A view from the corridor connecting the bathroom, master bedroom and entrances to the kitchen and patio.

By: Terron | at 10:42 AM | |

Don't forget to flush!

The solar house has the best bathroom. Looks like it's straight out of an IKEA catalog.

By: Terron | at 10:39 AM | |

Sleep in heavenly peace...

The master bedroom and its shagadelic rug. Very Austin Powers, huh? Doesn't it look like someone forgot to shake out the wrinkles in the comforter set? :-)

By: Terron | at 10:37 AM | |

The DoE Family

A guest is introduced for the first time to the DoE Family, our residents in the solar house.

By: Terron | at 10:32 AM | |

Educating the Masses

Guests take a moment to learn about the solar and thermal energy techniques used to heat and cool the house in each season and generate electricity inside.

By: Terron | at 10:27 AM | |

The Grand Tour

Comfy, chic and contemporary accents in this quiet corner of the living room. Perfect for curling up with a good book or a copy of The Washington Post.

By: Terron | at 10:24 AM | |

The Grand Tour

More details and explanations about the kitchen from the team. Check out the brilliant use of storage and appliance space underneath the island countertop.

By: Terron | at 10:20 AM | |

The Grand Tour

UC ReForm team members give guests a tour through the kitchen and dining area.

By: Terron | at 10:17 AM | |

Smithsonian Peek-a-Boo

Our house with the Smithsonian peaking up from behind it.

By: Terron | at 10:14 AM | |

In the Solar Village

The view from the entrance to the Solar Village with the Washington Monument standing tall in the distance.

By: Terron | at 9:02 AM | |